
KORDON – Rid-Ich Plus Disease Treatment – 16 fl. oz. (473 ml) For Discount

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Controls Ich And Other External Protozoan, Dinoflagellate And Fungal Diseases Of Fish
For Fresh and Saltwater Home And Non-Food Fish Aquariums and Ponds
Will Not Harm Biological Filters When Used As Directed
The Foremost Ich White Spot Chemical Treatment For Aquarium and Pond Fish
Made in U.S.A.

Kordon s Rid·Ich+ is a combination of two powerful medications which have proven effective in the control of many diseases of freshwater fishes caused by external protozoan (single cell) parasites such as white spot disease, Ichthyophthiriasis, Costia, Trichodina, Chilodonella and saltwater external parasites such as Cryptocaryon and Amyloodinium. The medication can also treat fungal infections in fishes. 

Rid·Ich+ is recommended as the best chemical treatment for Ich, (white spot disease), having been originally developed decades ago for professional aquaculture, public aquariums, and government use in treating fishes.  Other than refinement in ingredients, it has continued to remain as the foremost scientifically developed chemical treatment for Ich white spot disease.  Efficacy is improved and the treatment time is often reduced when compared to treatment with either the chemicals malachite or formalin alone. Additionally, the Rid·Ich+ formula utilizes the less common but also less toxic chloride salt of malachite green (this is the same salt used in Kordon s Malachite Green). 

The recommended treatment concentration of Rid·Ich+ should be approached with caution, carefully observing the reactions of the treated fishes and ceasing treatment if any undue stress is noted. Remember, when the first outward signs of Ich (scattered spots) are noticed, the fish is often quite heavily parasitic in the mouth and gills – lowering the fish s ability to withstand additional stress. The weaker the fishes condition,  the poorer its response will be to any medication. Rid·Ich+ has been shown to be reasonably safe for use on fishes which normally cannot tolerate malachite green alone.

Fishes such as the so-called scale-less species (loaches, catfish, etc.) tolerate Rid·Ich+ very well, but be sure to follow cautions noted earlier. Some Mormyrids (elephant noses) may be particularly sensitive and should not be treated with any medication containing malachite green, including Rid·Ich+. 

Rid·Ich+ will not interfere with biological filtration. The lowering of dissolved oxygen levels in treated water is often associated with the use of formalin or formalin-containing medications. The use of Rid·Ich+ allows a lower concentration of formalin to be utilized. This decreases the chances of lowering the dissolved oxygen.  However (as noted above), treated fishes should be carefully observed for any signs of respiratory distress. It should be noted that while increased temperatures will often shorten the life cycle of some disease-causing organisms, it will also cause a decrease in the dissolved oxygen levels of the water. Do not increase the temperature in tanks or ponds used for treatment, unless sufficient oxygen is assured.

General Diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases of Fishes 
The following brief summary of clinical signs often associated with the parasitic protozoans discussed above is intended only as an aid for the beginning aquarist. It is not to be thought of as a definitive diagnostic key. It is also important that the aquarist consult appropriate, accurate references for more specific information regarding disease problems of fishes. In addition, if possible, skin and or gill smears should be made and examined by a qualified fish diagnostician. Microscopic examination is recommended and is always essential for confirmation of a particular disease. In the clinical signs indicated below, a particular description may be followed (in brackets) by a specific disease-causing organism.  It should be understood that different clinical signs can be seen during the disease process and that these can occur as the result of more than one disease-causing organism.

Clinical Signs 
Increased respiration; excessive skin mucus; loss of normal body color, scratching on the tank bottom or on objects; lethargic behavior; presence of discrete white spots (0.5-1.0 mm in diameter), randomly distributed on the body [Ich].


Package Description: 16 fl. oz. (473 ml)

Serving Size: ..

Number of Servings: ..


Specifications: Contains formaldehyde (11.52% formalin) U.S. P. grade 4.26% and premium quality aquaculture-grade zinc-free chloride salt of malachite green 0.038%. The ingredients meet United States Pharmacopoeia science-based quality standards for health care. The U.S. P. is the official public standards-setting authority for all prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines and other healthcare products.


Standard Dosage 
Use 10 drops per gallon, or 1 teaspoon (approximately 5 ml) per 10 gallons of water, or 4 ounces for 240 gallons of water. This standard dosage produces a concentration of 15 ppm (= 15 mgL) formalin and 0.05 ppm of malachite green.

Mode of Action 
Zinc-free Malachite green binds strongly with the internal cytoplasmic structure of disease causing organisms interfering in normal metabolism. U.S. P. Formalin is a powerful reducing agent which acts by denaturing cell proteins. 

Rid·Ich+ is stable indefinitely in solution. It must be stored above 50° F (10° C) to prevent product precipitation. Do not freeze. Do not use Rid·Ich+, or any product containing formaldehyde that has been frozen. Keep tightly closed when not in use to prevent loss of formaldehyde.

Suggested Treatment Procedures 
The following procedures are suggested for both freshwater and saltwater systems. It is important to note that activated carbon will remove the malachite green component of the formulation. Formalin can also be removed somewhat.  However, the amount is insignificant.

Treatment of Freshwater and Saltwater External Single-Celled Parasites 
The following procedures are applicable when treating the diseased fishes in their original aquarium or pond: 
(a) Remove any invertebrates you wish to save. 
(b) Remove carbon and clean filter. Replace with clean mechanical filter media, such as Kordon s Bio·Mech ® , and return to use without the carbon. 
(c) Perform a partial water change of at least 20-25%. Repeat water changes at 20-25% before each re-treatment with Rid·Ich+. 
(d) Calculate the actual volume of water to be treated, taking into consideration the displacement of water by gravel, rock, and ornaments. (To calculate the aquarium s capacity measure its length, height and width in inches, multiply these dimensions together and divide the result by 232. Your answer will be the amount of water in gallons. To calculate the volume of a pond, put calculate pond volume in your search box on your computer, and you will get a choice of web sites to go to for this calculation.)  
(e) Add a standard dose, such as 1 teaspoon of Rid·Ich+ per 10 gallons of water. This produces a concentration of 15 ppm of formalin and 0.05 ppm of malachite green. 
(f) Treatments may be repeated as often as every 6-12 hours (depending upon the severity of the particular disease and the tolerance of the diseased fishes). Treatment should be repeated no less than every 24 hours (see step c) and continued for at least 3 days beyond the disappearance of all signs of disease.  The main problem is in knowing when all white spots are gone from inside the mouth, gills, and nostrils of the fish. Typical treatments for Ich will depend upon the species of Ich involved, and may require six to 35 days or more in daily treatments.  This means that daily partial water changes will need to be made followed by daily re-dosing of Rid-Ich+ until the infection is entirely gone. There are a number of Ich white spot species that can be involved, each with a different length of time of its life cycle in the white spot stage.  In general these different species have different white spot stages varying from about 3 days as dormant white spots, to one week, to two weeks, to three weeks, and to 32-35 days or more.  It takes an expert with microscopic examination to determine which species is involved.  They all look alike.  During the white spot stage the Ich are not treatable by any known treatment.  Only when the Ich are hatched from the white spots and free swimming are they able to be killed by a treatment.  The actual time necessary will depend upon the particular infection, the degree to which the fish are affected, how early the disease is detected, and when appropriate treatment is started. Note: Failure to properly diagnose a given disease and failure to start appropriate treatment early enough will often result in the death of some or all of the diseased fishes.
(g) After treatment, make a 40% water change. Add Kordon s NovAqua Plus® and AmQuel Plus® in the water, preferably before replacing water in the tank. Some situations may warrant the transfer of the affected fishes to a separate quarantine tank. If you elect to follow this procedure, the original aquarium or pond should remain devoid of any fishes for a period of not less than 4 days and preferably up to two weeks to insure that any remaining parasites have expired. Carefully inspect the fishes prior to returning them to the original aquarium or pond to insure that all signs of the infestation are gone.  Keep in mind that the Ich white spot disease prefers to infect out of sight in the mouth, gills, and nostrils of the fish.

Particularly in larger aquariums, or with fishes sensitive to chemical treatment, the use of the chemical combination in Rid-Ich+ is not practical.  There are a group of new Kordon treatments using organic herbal naphthaquinones that can be used instead of Rid-Ich+, all of which being highly effective against Ich white spot disease. These are Kordon s Ich Attack, Prevent Ich and Rid Fungus, all of which are patented products that are equally effective against Ich white spot disease.    

These organic herbal treatments are a recent scientific invention.  They do not require water changes each day before use,   They do not adversely harm aquatic invertebrates (such as coral, anemones, shrimp, crabs, etc.), so these animals can be left in the aquarium (including reef tanks) during treatment.  These organic herbal treatments are less harsh on sensitive freshwater fishes, such as tetras, elephant nose fishes, electric eels, freshwater clown fishes, and scaleless fishes.  

Life Cycle of Ichthyophthiriasis ( Ich ) White Spots
Ich white spot disease has several stages in its life cycle, of which only one stage, the tomites, is vulnerable to treatment. The maturing stage of Ich is the white spots seen on the fish s skin, which are technically called trophozoite cysts. This is the only stage that can be readily observed. When mature, the trophozoites become trophonts, leave the fish, and each produce 200 to 1,000 minute swarmers , which are released into the water to become motile infecting tomites.  These tomites must find a host within eighteen hours to 2-3 days (depending upon the species) or die. It is during this time that Rid·Ich+ or the Kordon organic herbal treatments are effective. At a water temperature of about 75° F (24° C), the complete life cycle is usually approximately a week to five weeks in duration depending upon the species of Ich.  In colder water the cycle becomes longer.


Kordon s Rid·Ich+ should not be used with any other medication. When used as directed, the product is safe for use in aerated aquaria and ponds or in recirculation systems utilizing biological filtration.  After each water change the use of Kordon s NovAqua+® and AmQuel+® are recommended.  

This medication is not intended for use in the control of bacterial infections, flukes (monogenetic trematodes), copepods, or other multicellular organisms, such as worms and crustaceans.. Rid·Ich+ is primarily for the control and treatment of diseases of freshwater and marine fishes caused by external single-celled protozoan, dinoflagellate, and sporozoan parasites.

This product is not intended to be used as a medication or chemotherapeutic agent for food fish, as regulated by the U.S. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) or the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 

The Rid·Ich+ combination in this formulation is relatively non-toxic for fishes, but may not be tolerated by certain invertebrates, when used as directed. It may be used for the treatment of scaleless fishes. As with any medication, caution should be exercised whenever utilizing a chemical for the first time on a species of fish for which its tolerance is unknown. Always terminate treatments early (with partial water changes or filtration with granular activated carbon) if signs of undue stress occur. 

Do not treat fishes that cannot be directly observed during treatment. Be aware that some mormyrids (i.e. elephant noses) and freshwater stingrays may be adversely affected by Rid·Ich+. Rid·Ich+ is not recommended for use in aquariums containing invertebrates and may cause severe stress or death to some of these animals. If Rid·Ich+ must be used in aquariums containing invertebrates, tests should be performed to determine a particular animal s tolerance to this medication.

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